Our Family Tree

We have well over 914 surnames and over 6686 relatives recorded on our family tree

I’ve also listed the surnames that I have verified so far with the locations those families lived, worked, and at times migrated to. Look under Lost and Found

I hope this helps ….. Let me hear from you.

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5 thoughts on “Our Family Tree

  1. Hi, I am doing my Y-Dna research and I have learned my Paternal surname is Allen. I am from Cincinnati, Ohio and my research of the Allen surname has led me here. If u have or know of anything that help me research the Allen’s in Ohio please let me Know… Thank You


  2. my sister and mother had their DNA tested thru Amazon and they both came back Southern Africa and from the same region as Frances Hatter Benin and Togo region. MY Mother’s mother maiden name is Hatter as was her grandmother and great grand parents.


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